Chabad Chai CenterJewish Learning InstituteCamp Gan Israel & Hebrew SchoolGoals & ObjectivesDONATE



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Support Local Jewish programming
for  Chabad of West Bay

Dear ≪First Name or Friend≫,

Chabad of West Bay is dedicated to outreach and education. Our objective is to reach out and create a warm, welcoming atmosphere for individuals to explore and experience their Jewish heritage in a welcoming, non-judgmental environment,

We fucus on the needs of the individual. Such as a first night Passover Seder at no charge, Jewish Holiday resources throughout the year, ongoing visits to the elderly and those living alone, guidance and services to those in prison, help with the observance of kosher, and Rabbi and Rebbitzen counseling for those in need.

Chabad of West Bay is a community resource in every sense of the word.

•              Camp Gan Israel serving 60 children, (with affordable pricing, and many scholarships) 

•              Shabbat Challahs etc to anyone and everyone, 1,800 annually

•              5 Short Rosh Hashanah Services, serving 200 people

•              8 Menorah lighting events, serving 300 people

•              Community Grand Purim Program, service 100 people

•              100 Passover Seders to-go kits for the public

•              Hundreds of door to door visits, especially to people who are home bound or in the state prison system

•              Ongoing education classes from young to old

•              1,000 homes visited twice a year, once before Chanukah and once before Pesach, providing Chanukah supplies and Passover supplies.

•              Rabbi Yossi and Shoshana Laufer are called upon by hundreds of people a year for all kinds of needed counseling and support

•              With thanks to G-d we have a large network of people in the West Bay. As a result, we are able to connect and help network people to local services, volunteers, and all kinds of connections etc., helping people in difficult times, and in a most dignified way.

People find Chabad to be a great place for everything Jewish.

Our philosophy remains simple: Jewish education and outreach, with purpose, positivity and warmth.

Reaching out to the needy, providing physical, emotional, spiritual and communal services.

We would love you to join in this endeavor and become a partner with us in making this a reality.


Rabbi Yossi and Shoshana Laufer